

公開日: : 最終更新日:2014/10/06 ガール・パワー

The High-Level Symposium on Coastal Resilience, on Thursday, September 25th at the Ford Foundation. (http://www.partnerships.org/…/high-level-symposium-on-coas…/)








NGOをつくり、それを「WDS」、「森は海の恋人(Woods, the darling of the sea)」と名づけます。気仙沼が生んだ歌人、熊谷龍子(りゅうこ)という人の歌から、その名前がつきました。

歌を、オリジナルの日本語で読んでみましょう。独特の韻律を聞いて下さい。「森は海を、海は森を恋いながら、悠久よりの、愛紡ぎゆく」――The forest is longing for the sea, the sea is longing for the forest、という意味なのです。




































Thank you for your kind introduction. Jainey, Irene, it was May 26 when both of you came to Tokyo and see me. You have walked me to this event, today, and look, it is real that I have made it.

Now, my speech is brief. Even in Japanese, I do not speak so fast. If in English, I speak even more slowly, and I know I will not speak much.

Actually, I do not have to speak a lot. Among the many problems Japan faces, there is only one I am telling you about

In the North East of Japan, there is a port city called Kesen-numa. Its narrow inlet and lots of hills so scenic, Kesen-numa has given births to a great number of poems and songs. Little wonder, its sea food is always fresh and rich in stock.

But the fishes and shellfishes, fresh and tasty may they be, are always dependent upon the land, or more precisely, the nourishment flowing downstream into the inlet from the mountain forests. Without fostering the woods in the mountains, the water in the inlet cannot get rich, and cannot grow its famous oysters. In Kesen-numa at one point there emerged a group of oyster farmers who take the sea-mountain interplay seriously. So much so, they chose to get on shore, and began planting trees in the mountains.

Thus created is an NGO, named WDS, that is for Woods, the Darling of the Sea. The name is based on a short, traditional poem, a female poet from Kesen-numa sang.

Bear with me reading the poem in its original Japanese so you can sense its distinct rhythm. 「森は海を、海は森を恋いながら、悠久よりの、愛紡ぎゆく」――The forest is longing for the sea, the sea is longing for the forest, it means.

Then came that momentous day of March 11, 2011. The horrendous tsunami hit the entire region, and Kesen-numa was among the hardest hit. Now, three and a half years later, there is an ongoing attempt to build seawalls, tall and strong, all along the coastal line, as if to separate the sea from the land.

People with the WDS are worried, very much worried, for if the plan should go unchecked, it may well cut the subsoil water flow, and separate the sea from its source of nourishment that is the woods.

Yes, I am talking today about the seawalls.

In my country, Japan, a plan is being proceeded to build seawalls in the tsunami stricken region. Some could reach 48 feet tall, as tall as a five story building.

The total length of the seawalls planned amounts to two hundred and thirty miles, longer than the distance between New York and Washington, D.C. To do that, it is said, could cost 8 billion dollars from the taxpayers’ money.

I am not an activist, opposed to this plan. I have neither a cause nor a strong political view to push opposing the plan.

I say, however, please do not proceed, even if it is already decided, a policy that is like one-size-fits-all. I am asking if we could not adjust our plan to make it more flexible, reflecting the differences from region to region.

That day, the big earthquake that hit the north eastern part of Japan caused a huge tsunami, and many lives were lost as a result. As of August 8, this year, the death toll amounted to fifteen thousand, eight hundred eighty nine, including the two Americans who were JET English teachers at local primary schools. The number of those still unaccounted for is twenty six hundred and nine.

It was a sad, and painful experience. Nothing touched and warmed our hearts more than the help extended from those of you in the States and from across the world.

When the quake came, I was on a subway train. I had to walk a long way home, for the subway system was put into halt. But that was it, no substantial damage done.

Such was how I spent the day, I cannot share the pain and sorrow of the victims. Should I say yes, I share them, I would simply be dishonest. So I am of a view that we must pay respect to the victims who are determined never ever to repeat such calamities that would throw them into tidal waves. I think it important for us to always think what we can do to those people, and how we can console their wounded souls.

Still, I should ask, to build high seawalls and let them shield the coast line is really, really the just way for us to take our responsibility for our future generations?

Not one sea wall, however small, can be built unless the representatives of the people in the region have endorsed the plan through democratic processes.

That much may be self-evident. But, is our democracy up to the task? I am asking if the democracy as we know it can function so that we can choose the right option by making a balanced decision. After all, it was a horrendous natural disaster, something that can happen only once in a thousand years or so. With that memory still so vivid and graphic among us, it is not such an easy job for our democracy to decide on what really we should build and leave for our children’s and our grandchildren’s generations.

Under democratic fiscal system, public works have due dates. In my country, if it is a restoration work in the aftermath of a natural disaster, it is to be put on a fast track to make sure its early completion. For the works related to the damage done by the tsunami, the fast track will be terminated by the end of March, 2016, five years after the disaster.

That is one reason why people in favour of building sea walls are in a rush. They feel that it is very much an urgent business, and that they must start working on the project now, not later.

As I see it, though, sea walls will come with a number of serious problems.

A tall seawall may indeed make you feel that you are safer with it.

To feel safe and protected is vitally important especially for the people who have undergone insecurity of an indescribable kind.

Yet on the other hand, there are some who say that you must be able to see the sea surface all the time, so you can somehow develop a habit to read into any changes of the sea, and that the kind of sense you need to do so you can grow only by looking at the sea.

Most ironically, such seawalls as could make the sea invisible might lead the residents to be rather careless.

Indeed, on that day of March 11, 2011, exactly in the area relatively tall seawalls had been put in place, not a small number of people lost their lives. They did not flee fast enough.

Just as Matthew in the New Testament says, the best way to respond to tsunami is to let them flee to the mountains, let no one on the roof of his house go down to take anything out of the house, and let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.

To make the sea invisible might make our sense, the sense to develop our preparedness, less acute. That is problem number one.

Seawalls are made of concrete, which will not last more than sixty years.

Yet we are talking about something that could occur only once in hundreds of years. To keep the seawalls effective for the hundreds of years to come, our grandchildren’s and our great grandchildren’s generations will have to keep spending money to keep them in good shape. The responsibility will fall on the region, its government and people.

Moreover, after 311, those who had their houses at the seaside are moving to the hilltops. The coast, which is supposed to be protected by the seawalls, will have fewer and fewer residents. Who will maintain those seawalls that protect uninhabited areas?

In sum, there is a problem as to how we should cover the life-time cost of the seawalls.

And needless to say to cover the coastline with tall seawalls that make the sea invisible should be a huge loss for scenery. It is going to give no good effect for the promotion of tourism.

Such are the reservations and hesitation not a small number of people still have in their minds.

Over time, a wall has emerged. That is the wall dividing one group of people from the other. One is backing speedy construction of the seawalls, and the other is requesting for more time. They are all motivated purely by good intentions. Theirs are all well-meant actions to do good for their own regions. And yet, a wall is dividing one heart from the other.

Nothing can be more saddening than those victims getting divided like that. Seawalls turning into a real wall that divides people — the more I think about it, the less I can stay disinterested.

Woods, the sea, and people… How can we let them all be affectionate to each other? How can we let them all enrich each other? And how can we all live happily together? There must be a path leading to those goals, and I would like to seek that path.

Sometimes the sea sends us horrendous tsunami. Still, we must come up with a good solution to keep the woods in love with the sea, and to make us humans live in harmony with the nature. I would like to keep thinking about it.

Please give us your wisdom and ideas. Thank you very much.








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